Tuesday, September 14, 2010


Sometimes God wants to take us into a great new season of blessing, but we get stuck in the past. We lack the courage to move into the wonderful new things the Lord has in store for us.

I am thinking of the children of Israel when God was leading them into the Promised Land. This was a big step and it took courage to step out into the unknown. Some of the tribes decided to stay on the other side of the Jordan where it was comfortable. They said they we are doing fine. They didn't want to take the risk of going into a new place, even though God had promised them it would be a place of blessing. They said the pasture there was green and their flocks and herds were doing well and they didn't want to risk the move.

The sad thing was they missed out, when they failed to move ahead with God. Years later this land would end up being very paganized. It was the place where Jesus cast the demons out of the man into the pigs. They stayed because they thought it would be best for their families and their livelihood, but God knew the future. If they had only trusted Him instead of what seemed comfortable and good for them in their own eyes.

God knows the future and what lies ahead that's why it's important to trust Him and move with Him. We miss out we when don't and sometimes our families miss out. What they thought would be the best for them and their families ended up being the worst for them.

Yes there are challenges when we decide to take that step of faith and to trust the Lord to lead us into new places of blessing. But He will part the waters as we began to take those steps of faith trusting Him as we walk into the unknown.

The account of their crossing into the Promised Land in Joshua chapter 3 has always meant so much to me. It was harvest time and the waters of the Jordan were overflowing. How often does the enemy come in like a "flood" when God is getting ready to do something new and wonderful in our lives! When this happens we began to get discouraged, because it looks impossible. But God says in Isaiah 59:19, "When the enemy comes in like a flood, the Spirit of the Lord will lift" up a standard against him".

Joshua remembered what the Lord had told Him. "Be strong and courageous, meditate on My Word day and night and I will give you success!"(Joshua 1)

It was the priests carrying the ark of the covenant (represented God and His Word) that they were to follow and keep their eyes on as they stepped into the waters of the Jordan River. God parted those waters as they took those steps of faith.

God has something wonderful for us in every season in our lives. When we choose to stay instead of moving with the flow of the Spirit, we become stagnant. When we move with the flow of the Spirit we will experience new life, and the "river of God will flow out of us.

"Forget the former things, don't dwell in the past, Behold I do a 'new thing'!" Isaiah 43:18-19

Sunday, August 8, 2010


Christians are losing ground! The Church must wake up! Now is the time we as Christians must realize who we are and where we are in relation to what is going on in our world today.

We can no longer sit back and be complacent Sunday morning Christians. It is essential that Christians in this hour in history know who they are in Christ because we are facing evil at this point in time like never before. I am reminded of the story of the seven sons of Sceva in Acts 19:14-20 when they tried to cast out the demon. The demon replied "Jesus I know and Paul I know, but who are you?"

We must know who we are and the authority we carry in the name of Jesus Christ! Greater is He that is in us than He that is in the world! We can do all things through Christ who gives us strength!

It is imperative that Christians get into the Word and know the Word of God in order to meet the challenges of today's world. If we are going to survive that's what it is going to take, or we will be mowed over by the enemy in every aspect of our lives. Many Christians have already experienced the invasion of the enemy in their lives. They have allowed him to come in and destroy their home, their marriages and run havoc in the lives of their children.

Unfortunately most of today's Christians have little knowledge of the scriptures. God's people are defeated for lack of knowledge" (Hosea 4:6). It's not just knowing the scriptures (being able to repeat them), but you must know them and know in your heart that God will do what He has promised and be able to stand on them when the enemy attacks.

There is a battle raging right now and Christians are going to have to learn to fight. It's not a physical battle, but a spiritual battle. It's a battle for our country that was once founded on godly principals. Slowly but surely that foundation is being removed. When that foundation is removed, it will no longer stand. Our America as we have known it will no longer exist. Our children and grandchildren will not know the life that we have known.

I am reminded of the scripture in 2Chronicles 7: 19-22 where God warns those whose nations have been blessed by Him, if they forsake Him, He will make what was once a blessed land a "by word" and an "object of ridicule". "And people who pass by will be appalled and say, 'Why has the Lord done such a thing to this land?' People will answer and say, 'because they have forsaken the Lord, the God of their fathers' "

It's also a battle for those we love, our families, our children. We have allowed the enemy to come in and take over oblivious to what is going on. We no longer have to look at the world to see the enemy's destruction, we have opened our doors and allowed him to invade our lives and homes.

But I truly believe that we are on the verge of one of the greatest awakenings in history. I believe we are like the children of Israel when they were on the verge of going into the Promised Land. God told Abraham that they would enter in to His Promised Land of Blessing when the "iniquity" of the Amorites was full (Gen15:16).

I believe most would agree that evil has escalated to a degree never seen before in history. I believe we have come to that point, how could it get any worse?

Just as Moses was preparing the Israelites (Deut. 9) to enter into the Promised Land, by telling them about the giants and the walled cities they were going to be facing, we also need to be prepared. We need to be prepared for battle, because the enemy is not going to give up without a fight. We need to be prepared for spiritual warfare.

Ephesians 6:10-18 tells us to "Put on God's armor". Remember David, when they tried to give him King Saul's armor to fight Goliath, and it didn't work? We are going to be facing some giants (some of us already are) and the world's way of fighting won't work for us either, because it's a spiritual battle.

One of the first battles the Israelites had to face was the city of Jericho. Some of it's walls were 25 feet high and 20 feet thick. It would seem to be impossible to penetrate those walls. But we serve a God of impossible situations. There is nothing that He cannot do! He brought those walls down and He can do the same for us today!

You maybe facing some situations that look as impossible as the walls of Jericho. But we serve a God of impossible situations! When we trust Him and follow His instructions miracles can happen.

When we trust Him and stand on His Word ( that's our sword to fight the enemy, that's why it's important to know God's Word) He will go before us as "a consuming fire and destroy our enemies" Deut 9:3. (our enemies are those things that hinder God's purpose in our lives) He promised He would go before us! And He doesn't go back on His promises (Num.23:19)!

We must remember it's a spiritual battle!

Sometimes we give up too easily when our prayers are not answered in our time frame. Remember Daniel (Daniel 10:12-13). He had prayed and fasted for 3 weeks with no answer, then a messenger from God came to him and told him he had heard his prayer since the first day that he sought God, but he had been detained by a powerful spiritual being for 21 days.

There is a battle going on in the spiritual realm when we pray. The Bible tells us we are praying against spiritual wickedness in high places(Eph. 6:12 )

We must not give up, but as the Word tells us, when we have done everything we can, we must Stand! And then keep Standing!

We walk by faith and not by sight! What we see is subject to change! The seen is temporary and subject to change, but the unseen is eternal!(2Corn.4:18 ) There is a battle going on in the heavenly realm and we must not give up! We must realize "the unseen is more real than the seen"!

Remind the enemy when he points out that your prayers are not being answered, that things are subject to change! We walk by faith and not by sight

It's time for us to rise up be the "Army of God" to take our place in His army, because the battle is raging.

We are not only to pray, but also stand up in the boldness of the Holy Spirit and proclaim our God! Wemust stand up for the godly principals and standards our nation was founded upon!

We can no longer be wimpy, apathetic, complacent Christians! We are the Army of God! We are the Church of God! The living embodiment of Christ on the earth today! The Bride that He is returning for! We must rise up and be people of God He has called us to be!

Thursday, July 8, 2010


Life can sometimes be confusing . We wonder if our Father loves us so much, why doesn't He stop the hurt, the painful times we have to endure on this earth. We have all said at one time or the other, "God, why are you allowing this? You could stop this because You are Almighty God, and there is nothing too hard for you, so how could You let this happen?"

Things began to take on a little more clarity for me when my little grandson Ryan died. We had prayed and believed God for Ryan's life. I prayed and stood on God's promises right up till the time he passed from this life to the next. I remember that night going home from the hospital, I fought sleep, because I didn't want to wake up to the reality of his death. I guess that sounds silly, but the initial pain was so intense, I didn't want to wake up and realize my precious baby was no longer with us, and go through the initial shock again. I sat up in a chair all night, thinking and praying mainly "God, I don't understand. I am trying to trust You, but I don't understand, help me Lord."

Later standing by his little white coffin, I heard the Lord speak. He said, "Tell them, it's not about here, it's not about this earth, it's about where this child is now. Tell them, it's not about here, but it's about there".

This did not stop the pain I was going through, it did not keep me from missing Ryan and wanting him here with us, but it did help me to see things in a different perspective.

God isn't so interested in my being happy all the time here on this earth, as He is me being prepared for heaven and showing others the need to be prepared. It's through enduring the hard times and allowing His glory to shine through my life that others will see Him in me. Who will be in heaven one day because they saw Jesus in you and me? That's what it's all about, our lives pointing to heaven.

We will spend a very short time here on this earth compared to eternity with Him. So it's not about "here", it's about "there" where all of us who trust in Him will be one day. I heard someone once say that, "when we get heaven and earth in the right perspective, everything else in life will fall into place".

Ryan's life had a purpose, as do all of our lives, and that is to point to Jesus. I believe when I get to heaven, there will be many there enjoying eternity with Jesus as a result of Ryan's short life on this earth. There will be many there also because Ryan's life and death made such an impact on my life, because my faith is so much stronger now.

Help us Lord to understand that as beautiful as this earth is, You have so much more ahead for us. Help us also to realize that we are just camped out here in these earthly tents for a short time compared to eternity with You. One day there will be no more sadness, no more tears, only perfect happiness . Help us to keep our focus on our destination, Heaven, because it's about there, not about here.

"He will wipe away every tear from their eyes. There will be no death or mourning or crying or pain, for the old order of things has passed away." Rev. 21:3-4

Jesus said,"Don't let your hearts be troubled. Trust God, trust also in Me. In My Father's house are many rooms; if it were not so I would have told you. I am going there to prepare a place for you. And if I go to prepare a place for you, I will come back and take you to be with Me that you may also be where I am. " Jn. 14:2-3

Thursday, April 1, 2010


Tonight at our church, we will honor the command of Jesus to wash one another's feet.

Jesus said, "Now that I your 'Lord' and 'Teacher,' have washed your feet, you should also wash one another's feet. I have set you an example that you should do as I have done for you." Jn 13:14-15 Jesus goes on to say that we will be "blessed" if we do these things.

True meaning is sometimes lost in ceremony and ritual. I believe this to be true of the Jesus' command to wash one another's feet. In order to comprehend the true meaning of the act of washing one another's feet, we must realize that as with most cases in the scriptures a physical act had a spiritual meaning.

In the physical sense in that day those who traveled in the dirty and dusty conditions of the world necessitated the need to have their feet washed. This job was reserved for the lowliest of servants.

So how do we apply the "Command of Jesus" to wash one another's feet in our lives today?

In our daily lives journey as we journey on this earth we become soiled spiritually from the filth of the world. We pick up worldly attitudes and ways that hinder our spiritual walk with our Lord.

That night before He was to be crucified Jesus had to settle an argument between the disciples as to who was to be the greatest. They walked with Jesus every day and yet the ways of the world crept in. Pride and exaltation of self was a worldly attitude that Jesus knew would divide and separate His "Body of Believers". It was important that they be unified, that they become as one because they would be His representation on this earth.

Jesus prayed in John 17:20, "My prayer is not for them alone. I pray for those who will believe in Me through their message, that all of them may be one, Father, just as You are in Me and I am in You. May they also be in us so that the world may believe that You have sent Me. I have given them the glory that You gave Me, that they may be as one as we are one: I in them and You in Me. May they be brought to complete unity to let the world know that You have sent Me and have loved them even as You have loved Me. "

In order to lift up Jesus we must be unified. We must become "one body" "the Body of Christ", no individual aspirations, but rather submitting to one another in love. Jesus said, "If I be lifted up from the earth I will draw all peoples to Myself." Jn 12:32

Beth Moore, in her Bible Study, "A Woman's Heart", gives several reasons why we like the disciples have difficulty following Jesus' Command to wash one another's feet. (I think she means "truly washing" another's feet, not just the "act of foot washing" but able wash another's feet in our hearts by allowing our selves to become vulnerable).

One reason is because we are forced to confront our egos and we lack the assurance of who we are. Jesus knew His position with the Father. He had nothing to prove; therefore He was not humiliated by humility. We are coheirs with Christ, if you know who you are in Christ, your personal ego is not an issue. Sadly most Christians do not have the confidence in Christ to humble themselves.

She also stated the need to lay aside the outer garments ( take off our mask). It's difficult to hide when you are washing another's feet. True servants are only those who are willing to be vulnerable.

All too often our pitchers are empty. We might wash a few feet, if we had something in our pitchers. When we fail to be filled we have nothing to pour out. We would really rather people just stay behind their sparkling facades that way we could minister to them easier. Facing the worn out calloused areas of others' lives might remind us of our own.

We have to get down on our knees to do it. As John the Baptist said of Christ, "He must increase, but I must decrease." Jn 3:30

Another reason Beth stated, that we cannot bring ourselves to wash another's feet in the (spiritulal sense), is that we refuse to let Christ wash our own. Notice that not until He washed their feet were they enabled to go and wash one another. She said we need to just curl up in the arms of Christ tell Him we need Him. Until we learn to let Him serve us at the point of our need, we will never truly be able to serve others.

Lord as many of us honor your command to wash one another's feet this Easter season, help us not to get caught up in just the ceremony, but to examine our hearts, put aside our personal ego and thoughts of self so that we may minister to one another in Your love. We know that then we will become one, having one goal, and that is that You may be glorified and lifted up for the world to see. Help us to realize that we are "the Church, Your Body" we are the way the world sees You!!!

Monday, March 22, 2010


Trust God and stand on His Word (promises ) and He will give you Victory! His promises to bless us are "Yes and Amen"! His Word is full of His great and precious promises for our loved ones to be saved and for all the many trying situations we face in life. Many times we are like the Israelites in Numbers chapter 20. God will give us His Word saying, "Trust Me I will make a way", but the enemy will say "No that's not going to happen". Instead of trusting God we get discouraged just like they did, and back off.

They had asked the king of Edom to allow them to go through his country into the Promised Land. And he said "No". So instead of facing the enemy, knowing that God would give them victory, because He wanted them to go into the Promised Land where He could bless them, they backed off. They took the long way around instead of the way God told them to go, so their blessing was delayed. They became impatient and discouraged because it took so long. then they began to mummer and complain. Doesn't that sound like us?

God gives us His Word. He tells us He wants to bless us. And the enemy says "No, that's not going to happen". Instead of facing the enemy head on and fighting him with the "Sword of the Spirit", "God's Word, His promises" we back off. Then we get discouraged because our prayers are not being answered.

The next time around in Numbers chapter 21. The Canaanite King of Arad heard the Israelites were coming so he attacked and captured some of them. Don't expect the enemy to roll out the red carpet for you! He doesn't want you blessed, he doesn't want your loved ones saved, he doesn't want your prayers answered. There's going to be a battle unless you get discouraged and back off.

This time the Israelites got serious about inheriting God's promises and they cried out to the Lord. They said, "Lord if you will deliver these people into our hands, we will totally destroy their cities." In other words their enemies would never have a place again.

God knows when we are serious! He knows when we are ready to get down to business and "determine to believe His Word", and not allow the enemy to have any place in our lives or thinking. Then we can expect victory.

Numbers 21:3 says, "The Lord heard their plea and gave them victory!" The only way the enemy can win is when he can convince you with his lies. The only power he has is that you believe him. But when you determine to believe the Word of God, believe what God says about your situation, God will give you victory. Just as the Israelites said, "We will totally destroy their cities",we must say "there will no longer be a place in my mind for the "words of the enemy".

God has promised us victory telling us that, "we are overcomers!" He has given us all that we need to overcome the enemy, "His Blood and His Word." Rev. 11:12 He told Joshua, "Meditate on My Word and you will have victory." Jos. 1:8 Focus on what God says and not what the enemy tries to tell you.

Paul said, in 1Cor 10:6 "Now these things occurred as examples to keep us from setting our hearts on evil things as they did."

The Battlefield is our minds. Don't let the enemy have any territory by listening to his words, renew your mind to the what God says about your situation.

"Don't be conformed to this world (Satan is the God of this World), but be ye transformed by the renewing of your mind that you may prove what is that good and acceptable will of God." Rom. 12:2

Monday, February 1, 2010


I have learned so much from from the Israelites and their journey in the Book of Numbers. For instance, because they didn't trust God and His promises, ended up wandering in the wilderness the rest of their lives with no direction. They went around that same mountain, never gaining victory, getting nowhere, going in circles. How many of us have been there at one time or another in our lives? You say, "I recognize this place, I have been here before, when am I ever going to learn?" Boy I have! I have been there, done that, and got the tee shirt!

I remember a job that I took out of fear. I knew that it wasn't God's will, but financially I couldn't see how we were going to make it. For almost two years I was miserable and getting nowhere. When I finally saw "the light" and quit it was as if a burden had been lifted and it had! There is nothing like getting the blessing of being in His perfect will.

When we face giants or things that seem insurmountable in our lives we often cower in fear. We end up with lost years when we virtually accomplish nothing. Have you ever heard someone say, "I have lost years of my life because God was teaching me something, it was a wandering time for me?" Well as Paul said, "we are given these stories as examples." The Israelites were out of the will of God because they ceased to trust Him so they just wandered for years accomplishing nothing.

God has a plan and a purpose for every life He created. A plan for good and not for evil. He wants to bless us and give us abundant life. Yes, bad things happen, heartache, sickness, brokenness, because we live in a fallen world. But He told us this would be,"In this world you will have tribulation; but be of good cheer, I have overcome the world." Jn.16:33 We can overcome any giant, any mountain because He is with us. We don't face the giants alone!!! He says, " Your walls or the things you face are ever before Me." Is. 49:16 He knows what we are facing!

The key is to stay focused on Him for direction. Too many times we, like the Israelites, take our eyes off Him and look at our circumstances. And we say there is no way I am going to be able to get through this. So we do as they did, we try to come up with our own plans and we end up wandering with no purpose or direction, never really getting anywhere.

God has a plan and a purpose specifically for each one of us to accomplish in this life. The main purpose will be accomplished if we have given our lives to Him. That purpose is to spend eternity with Him and we will be blessed beyond our imagination. But when we don't focus on Him during our journey here on this earth, we miss the blessing and purpose He has for us here. The destination may be wonderful, but the journey miserable. It doesn't have to be that way.

His purpose for us, is that our lives revolve around and point to Him. I wonder how many people are miserable because they planned their own lives, instead of seeking God's plan for their lives. They wander around making their own plans seeking their own agenda. "There is a way that seems right to man, but it's end is destruction." Prov. 14:12

Ephesians 1:9 tells us that He has made known to us the mystery of His will, which He purposed in Christ. In the fullness of time all creation will all come together in Christ, all things in heaven and earth will come together in Him.

It is the key to understanding life, God created everything to be brought together in Christ. So if we are not moving in the direction of His will, in the direction in which all creation is going, we are going against the flow.

It is like trying to swim upstream always fighting, always struggling, always in a sweat. I don't know about you, but I don't like fighting , struggling, and sweating. I just want to rest in His arms and seek and fulfill His plan for my life.

The Israelites ended up making it into the Promised Land, that is those 20 years old and younger. So God's purpose was fulfilled, He did get the Israelites in, after 40 years wandering in the wilderness. The blessing was delayed, because of their disobedience and lack of trust, but His purpose was fulfilled!

Our blessing on this earth doesn't have to be delayed if we just trust Him and go with the flow of all creation. And that is focus on Christ, life is all about Him and His will for each one of us.

"Trust in the Lord with all of your heart, lean not to your own understanding, and in all your ways acknowledge Him and He will direct your path."Prov. 3:5-6

Trust Him when He has given you direction, keep focused. Meditate on what He has spoken to your heart and then rest in Him. Let Him take care of the giants, the mountains and the walled cities that you face. Stop struggling and go with the flow of all creation, "His will for your life."

Thursday, January 28, 2010


Sometimes we think "well I blew it!" We realize we made a bad choice and it probably wasn't God's perfect will for our lives. In the Old Testament story of Jacob, Leah and Rachel, Jacob in looking for a wife didn't consult God, but chose what looked good in his own eyes and got himself into a mess. He ended up with two squabbling women that I am sure made his life miserable and working for 14 years because he was deceived. We reap what we sow, so we may have to go through some miserable times because of our bad choices.

Later Jacob was blessed by God, and his son Judah by Leah was in the lineage of Jesus.
So God's purpose was still fulfilled in Jacob's life. God worked His purpose for Jacob's even in the midst of the mess Jacob had created by his bad choices.

In our Wednesday night Bible Study, Pastor larry applied this to marriages and relationships. If we just continue to trust God, even though we have made a mess of things, God can bring us through and bless us.